LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Nowadays LED is being used everywhere. Do you know what is LED? How does it work and where is it used? Who made it? When made? So let's know about it
What is LED? What is LED?
It is a light emitting diode that means a diode that produces light. It is a type of semiconductor light source. Which emits light. When a flow is made through it. Meaning when current (electricity) is flowed into it then it generates or emits light.
The electrons reconnect with the electron hole. And release energy in the form of photons. The color of light in this is determined by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the semiconductor.
The color of the LED is according to its design. There are many types of LEDs. Its main componant is gallium arsenide. Which produces light.
It has an electron chip. When electricity is transferred into it, the electrons are first charged. And then emit the charged energy in the form of light.
The white LED has a phosphorus cover and the brightest light is also the white LED.
Types of LED (Types of LED)
1 - Miniature LED
It is used in indicators.
2 - Organic LED (OLED)
It is used in mobiles, laptops, DVD players, video games etc.
This surface mount device is LED. This is a special type of LED. Without wiring, these devices provide less fuss. It is used in lighting system in domestic and industrial factories. And LED screens, TV projectors, and vehicles are also used.
This is the chip on Board LED. This LED is made up of several LED chips, usually 9 or more. It gives more light than normal light. Use it where more light is required. It is done over there.
5-Brightness LED
It is a High Brightness LED that produces more than 50 Lumens (1 candela = 12.75 lumens). It is a type of high power LED. Usually 1 high power LED is defined as consuming more than 1 watt.
6-Graphene LED
A Graphene LED light bulb is simply an LED light bulb where the filament of the bulb is coated with Graphene. And they are cheap to manufacture and buy.
7-Traditional and inorganic LED
This type of LED is made of inorganic material. The most widely used LED compound compounds are made of semiconductors. Such as gallium arsenide phosphide, aluminum arsenide phosphide and etc.
8-Dimmer Switches
This LED is available with dimmer switches similar to other bulbs.
Dimmer switches work well in LED bulbs as compared to normal bulbs. Because it also operates at low watts (power).
9-Color LED
10-LED Tubes
How does LED work?
Working principle of LED
It works on the working principle of electro lumines. This is one such optical phenomenon. In which an electric current emits light in a substance or when that substance comes in contact with an electric field. It is a semiconductor diode consisting of electrons and holes, which are connected to each other. And when it is electrified it emits light.
Invention or discovery of LED (when and who made LED)
In 1907, the British scientist H.J. Round wrote a report about the LED to the Marconi lab.
It was invented in 1920 in Russia.
In 1927, it was found by Oleg Losev (who was a radio technician) that the diodes used in radio receivers emit light when current flows through them. He described the LED in a Russian journal in 1927.
And in 1962 it was introduced in the US as an electronic component.
On October 1962, Nick Holanyak Jr. created the first LED LED. He is known as the grandfather of LED.
M George Crawford discovered red, yellow and orange LEDs. They are used in things like clock, calculator, TV, phone, and radio etc. Nowadays LEDs of white, blue, green and almost every color are being used.
Uses of LED
1- Create a Display Board
2- In making light of vehicles
3- making bulbs for homes
4- In making Torch
5- Decorative light making
6- On the road as light signs
7- In making equipment for small panels
8- In Indicators
9- In mobile, laptop, DPD player, video game etc.
Advantages of LED
1- Long-life durability
2- Good Energy Efficiency
3- Low Maintenance
4- Low power consumption
5- Brightness
6- Low Heat Produce
7- Low cost
8- Small form factor
9- Multi color available
10- Environment friendly
11- Good Designability or Many new designability
12-RGB LED and color mixing
13- Low voltage
14-white LED
Disadvantages of LED
1-Thermal effect
2-Low power
3-Broad spectral width
4-Large beam divergence
5-High production costs
6-High temp. create around surroundings