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What is Internet? History, How does the internet work?, Working of Internet?, Uses of Internet?, Advantages and Disadvantages

 What is internet ? What is internet?

 Nowadays everyone talks about internet. It has become a major topic of conversation. It is also discussed in television programs, newspapers and magazines.  Every other person is using it.  Presidents such as the President, the Vice President and the Prime Minister also use the Internet. The Internet is also a network, and it is the largest network in the world.  The Internet is actually a network of small networks that exist around the world.  There is no owner of internet.  As soon as you connect your computer to the Internet, you also become a part of the Internet.

 History of Internet History of Internet

 Internet surfaced in 1969.  When the US Department of Defense started a project called ARPANET (Advanced research projects Network), the purpose of this project was to interconnect computers of the US Department of Defense and various universities.  Belonged to it.  It was started.  It started with the exchange of information and messages between those engineers, scientists and researchers, but it expanded very rapidly.

 In the mid-1980s, another organization National Science Foundation created a new network for academic and engineering research called NSFNet. Its capacity was more than ARPANET.  Only researchers were allowed to connect to this network.  And no business was allowed on it.  Seeing the need of this, many private companies also formed their own networks which later joined ARPANET and NSFNet and thus the Internet was born.  This process was called Internetworking.  Hence it was named INTERNET.

 ARPANET was stopped in 1990 and NSFNet was stopped in 1995 from giving government assistance.  But the Internet continued to function as before because many commercial Internet services had started, other functions in the Internet continued because many commercial Internet services had started and other services and users were added to the Internet and it is still expanding.  .

 How does the internet work?  How does the internet work?

 Because the Internet is a network of networks, generally no user can be directly connected to it.  Instead they are connected to a small network that is connected to the backbone of the Internet through a gateway.  The Gateway is one such device.  Which connects two different types of networks.  A backbone is a central structure that connects two or more networks.

 Internet is a very large network spread through the sea, which is spread all over the world.  It is also called the internet in Hindi.

 Working of internet

 A computer (gateway or server) connected to the Internet is identified by a name or address.  You can send any data, information or message from any computer in the network to another computer.  Each information sent is broken into several smaller parts, which are called packets.  Each packet is sent separately and when all are received, the original information is created by adding them.  To run the Internet smoothly, it is necessary that every computer connected to it follow the same rules of communication.  Groups of such rules are called protocols.  The communication protocol used by the Internet is TCP / IP (TCP / IP).  This protocol is in two parts.  The first part is TCP: Transmission Control Protocol, which is responsible for distributing a file or message in packets in the source computer itself.  It is also responsible for creating the original message by re-connecting the packets received to the receiving computer.  The second part IP (Internet Protocol) is responsible for handling the address of the receiving computer so that each packet is sent in the correct way.  These two protocols together are called TCP / IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.

 Who sees or arranges the Internet?  Who sees or arranges the internet?

 No organization or government in the world owns the Internet.  It is handled voluntarily by many organizations.  There are organizations responsible for different activities taking place in it.  -

 1- IAB Internet Archetecture board It is responsible for the allocation of various tools to the users.

 2 - IETF Internet engineering Task force It is responsible for discussing and investigating operational and technical problems of the Internet.

 3 - Inter NIC is responsible for providing registration to the Internet community.

 Uses Of Internet 

 1 - Internet is used for sending and receiving and receiving various types of information.

 2 - Internet usage is increasing rapidly in e-commerce.  This includes buying and selling advertisements and distribution of products and services.  It is also used in providing after sales service through call centers.

 3 - Nowadays all people or institutions use the internet for sound and internet also for sound and video confrences and conversations, which makes it easy for people to talk to each other from a great distance.  And stay connected to each other.

 4 - The sending of electronic mail over the Internet has greatly increased the speed of communication between companies, colleagues and individuals.

 5 - Internet is used in the transmission of online news and weather reports.

 6 - Common people use the Internet to find communication entertainment information and to buy and sell goods.

 7 - Internet is also used to get work for the job by catering to the interested companies and employment providers.

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

 Benefits of Internet -

 1 - Receiving and sending notifications.

 2 - connectivity

 3 - Sharing

 4 - Transmission broadcast

 5 - Contact

 6- Mapping

 7- Address

 8 - Money

 9 - Banking

 10 - Bill

 11 - Shopping

 12 - Work From Home

 13 - Entertainment

 14 - Shopping

 15 - Promote Business

 16 - Job Information and Application

 17 - Releases

 18 - Freelancing

 19 - Education

 20 - Time save

 2 l - News

 22 - communication conversation

 23 - You can save anything.

 24 - music

 25 - sports

 26 - Weather

 27 - Leaning

 28 - social network

 29 - Meetings

 Disadvantages of the Internet

 1- waste of time

 2- Internet has to be recharged again and again.

 3 - Misinformation

 4 - Hacking

 5 - Cheating

 6 - Incorrect mail and advertisements

 7 - Internet habit (addiction)

 8 - Exploitation

 9 - Obscenity

 10 - Violent Images

 11 - False news

 12 - Virus

 13 - People are losing their culture and traditions.

 14 - Everything is online.

 15 - The reason for the fight

 16 - People's identities are not secure.

 17 - Thinking ability is decreasing.

 18 - Wrong Use of Technology

 19 - People are forgetting to respect each other.  Rites are being lost.

 20 - Distances in Relationships

 21 - Fraud Fraud

 22 - Information leaks


 An intranet is a network that resides only in an organization.  And it is based on Intset technology. It rapidly sends information about that organization to its member computers and work stations.  But also prevents them from being misused.  It is the cheapest means of disseminating information within an organization.  Because it is based on the technology of the Internet.  It can have many users in many places.  Still remains private.  For example, you can consider an intranet site of a bank.

 Q.  What is internet?

 Ans.  The Internet is a worldwide network of computers.  It is a network of many smaller networks.  A computer connected to the Internet can share its information and resources with other computers connected to the Internet.

 Q.  When did internet come to India?

 Ans.  The Internet came to India in 1987, but it was then used for government and educational purposes.  Internet came into India from August 15 in 1995 and was fully operational.  The internet then ran through B S N L.  Which is a government network but today many private networks have come.

 Q.  What are protocols?

 Ans.  Protocol is a set of rules that must be followed for the success of a task.  The Internet has many protocols in use for many purposes.  For example, the transfer control protocol is used to send or deliver the original message to a target computer by breaking it into packets.  And these protocols are also used to detect computers in the Internet.

 Q.  What is a multimedia file?

 Ans.  The term multimedia combines many different types of mediums such as text, photos, images, sound, and video together.  A multimedia file is a file in which all types of information are stored together.

 Q.  What is email?

 Ans.  Email is the short name for electronic mail.  It is the act of sending and receiving messages electronically in a network of computers.  Even today, sending and receiving emails on the Internet is the main task.  It is the cheapest and most reliable and fastest means of sending messages.  Through this, we can also send small files by adding them.

 Q.  What is DNS?

 Ans.  Its full name is Domain Name System.  It is a system of determining the address of websites on the Internet.  In this, each website is given a different name.  Which is called U R L.

 Q.  What is U R L?

 Ans.  A uniform research locator is the address of a computer or website in the Internet.  And it identifies any website correctly.

 Q.  What is an IP address?

 Ans.  An IP address is the Internet address of any website.  It is a chain of 4 numbers.  Which are added by dots (.).  Or stays connected.  123 for example.  123.  109.  5 can be the IP address of a website.  We can only access any website through its IP Address or U R L.

 Q.  What is a Domain ID?

 Ans.  It is part of the U R L of a website.  It states the type and purpose of the website.  For example - the domain ID (.com) appended to the URL of a website indicates that it is a business website.  Similarly, a website with org domain id tells which non-profit organization.

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