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What is Bird FLu? Discovery, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention And Treatment

 What is Bird Flu?

 This is a disease that spreads very rapidly in birds.  This disease is spread due to avian influenza virus. This disease also falls in humans and makes it a victim.  Bird Flu Infection spreads so fast in chicken, peacock, duck and other types of birds and they die. If the disease gets into virus humans then they can also die or be killed.  Everyone should know about bird flu because some people who are suffering from this disease are undergoing their treatment.  Two types of viruses of this disease have been found in humans which are known as H5N1 or H7N9.  The symptoms of bird flu have been found in more than 1 dozen types of birds, which have been confirmed.

 The Discovery or Onset of Bird Flu

 It was first found in Hong Kong in 1997.  It was associated with infected poultry farming.  The outbreak spread very fast and it spread to 50 countries of the world.  It has now spread to more than 50 countries, including Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Although there are many types of bird flu, one of its variants is H5N1, which first infected humans.  This virus avian influenza is also known as type A type or category of virus.  There is also a variant of H7N9 which infected a human being some time ago.  Most of its types do not harm humans.

 Symptoms of Bird Flu

 This virus takes 2 or 7 days to spread the infection after entering the body and sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks.  The following symptoms are found when infected with bird flu -

 1 - Dry Cough

 2- High fever

 3 - Runny nose

 4 - joint pain

 5 - Muscle pain

 6 - Pain in bones

 7- Fatigue

 8 - Headache

 9 - Stomach problems

 10 - Chills

 11 - Loss of appetite

 12 - Difficulty sleeping

 Causes of Outbreak of Bird Flu

 This infection reaches or spreads to poultry farms in the domestic area by wild birds or some other cause.  And it spreads very fast.  It is found naturally in wild birds.  It is spread by the fluid coming out of the feces, nose, eyes and mouth of the birds.  If the eggs of the poultry farm are cooked properly and not eaten, it should not be spread to humans.

 Bird Flu Prevention And Prevention

 If you are traveling or coming from some place where there is a risk of bird flu or spread the infection.  So you can avoid this with the following suggestions.

 1- If possible, avoid going to any open area where pet birds or domestic birds are too much.

 2 - Avoid going to a crowded place.

 3 - Wash hands with soap from time to time and use alcohol based hand sanitizer.

 4 - Use or wear masks well.

 5 - Keep consulting the doctor.

 6 - Do not eat chicken or eggs or eat less and cook well.

 7 - Use Hand Globs.

 Bird Flu Treatment

 Seek doctor's advice.

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