Do you know ? What is www?
WWW (World Wide Web)
In the early 1990s, Internet use was limited as a tool of communication and research. Which was used only in educational and defense related works. This began to change in 1989 with a world wide web (www) influence. Nowadays it is the largest and probably the most important part of the Internet. In fact, normal users only belong to www. For this reason, it is considered another name of Internet. The world wide web programs are such a set of standards and protocols. Which regulates the creation and display of the website on the Internet. Websites are actually such multimedia files. Which holds any combination of study, photo, picture, video and audio. Initially the internet was mainly for study based information. But after the arrival of the world wide web, its popularity increased manifold due to its collection of all kinds of information in it. To use this information, you only need to connect your computer to the Internet. And connecting a computer to the Internet is as simple as dialing a mobile number. This is the secret of internet popularty.
Helped me understand it..thanks sir