Internal Combustion Engine
In this case combustion of the fuel with oxygen of the air occurs with in the cylinder of the engine.
Example - Gas engine, petrol engine, diesel engine
Advantages of Internal Combustion Engine
• Overall efficiency is high.• Greater Mechanical Simplicity.• lower initial cost.• weight to power ratio is generally low.• Easy starting from cold conditions.• These units are compact and thus require less space.• Starting time is very less.
Disadvantages of Internal Combustion Engine
• Fuel used is very costly like gasoline or diesel• Engine emission are high compared to E.C. Engine.• It is not suitable for large scale power
Parts of I.C. Engines
Common parts to both petrol and diesel engines
Cylinder Head
Piston Rings
Connecting Rod
Engine Bearing
Valve and valve operating mechanisms
Parts for Petrol Engine Only
Spark plugs
Fuel pump
Parts for Diesel Engine Only
Fuel pump
Working of I.C. Engines
Classifications Of I.C. Engines
1- According to cycle of operation
(i) Two stroke cycle engines
(ii) Four stroke cycle engines
2- According to cycle of combustion
(i) Otto cycle engine
(ii) Diesel cycle engine
(ii) Dual - combustion engine
3- According to arrangment of cylinder
(i) Single cylinder
(ii) In line or straight
(iii) V - Engine
(iv) W - Engine
(v) Opposed cylinder
(vi) Opposed piston
(vii) Radial engine
4- According to Uses
(i) Stationary engine
(ii) Portable engine
(iii) Marine engine
(iv) Automobile engine
(v) Aero - engine
5- According to the speed of the engine
(i) Low speed engine
(ii) Medium speed engine
(iii) High speed engine
6- According to method of ignition
(i) Spark ignition engine
(ii) Compression ignition engine
7- According to method of cooling the cylinder
(i) Air cooled engine
(ii) Water cooled engine
8- According to method of governing
(i) Hit and miss governed engine
(ii) Quality governed engine
(iii) Quantity governed engine
9- According to valve arrangment
(i) Over head valve engine
(ii) L head type engine
(iii) T head type engine
(iv) F head type engine
10- According to number of cylinders
(i) Single cylinder engine
(ii) Multi cylinder engine
11- According to fuel employed
(i) Oil engine
(ii) Petrol engine
(iii) Gas engine
(iv) Kerosene engine
(v) LPG engine
(vi) Alcohol ethyl, methyl engine
(vii) Dual fuel engine
(viii) Gasohol ( 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol )
12- Method of fuel input for S.I. Engines
(i) Carburetted
(ii) Multipoint port fuel injection
(iii) Throttle body fuel injection
Applications of I.C. Engines
• Road vehicles
• Aircraft
• Locomotives
• Bull dozer, scraper,power shovels
• Pumping sets
• Cinamas
• Hospitals
• Several industrial applications
• Small two stroke petrol engines
• Small four stroke petrol engines
• Four stroke diesel engines
• Two stroke diesel engines