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Syllabus For Class 2 General Knowledge


  1. The Sky
  2. Continents and Oceans
  3. Mountains and Valleys
  4. Water and its Forms
  5. Plants
  6. Flowers
  7. Fruit, Nuts and Vegetables
  8. Animals Revise
  9. Birds
  10. On Land and in Water
  11. Parts of a House
  12. On the Road
  13. Port
  14. Airport
  15. Station
  16. Special Vehicles
  17. Around the Vehicles
  18. Clothes from Different places
  19. Who Does What
  20. Fun and Games
  21. Festivals
  22. Skeleton
  23. Keeping Time
  24. Directions
  25. Names of Groups
  26. Around India
  27. Dances of India
  28. Dresses of India
  29. Famous Indians
  30. Religion

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